PGDM Enquiry

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A candidate is declared eligible for IIM-PGDM Courses if he/she has passed the degree examination from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks for General Category and a minimum of 45% marks for reserved category from any state in India. Reserve category candidate's application must be accompanied by relevant caste certificates and non-creamy layer certificates at the time of confirming the PGDM course admission. The absence of such certificates at the time of submitting application forms for admission disqualifies them from reserved category seats, and such candidates will be considered for the open/general category.

Final year degree students, who have not received their results will be allowed to appear for PGDM admission process, provided at the time of taking admission they have a certificate from their college/university about being a final year student awaiting results.

Before applying for the admission process of the IIMPGDM course, candidates must have a valid test score card of any of the following tests: AICTE- CMAT/CAT/XAT/MAT/ATMA/G-MAT / State level Entrance Test (MH-CET). Candidates will be shortlisted for admission of PGDM courses based on their performance evaluated on following parameters.

Sr. No Parameter Weightage Assigned
1 Score in Common Entrance tests (CAT /MAT/XAT/ATMA/CMAT/ GMAT/ (MH-CET) 35%
2 Score in Academic Performance 15%
3 GD & PI 45%
4 Participation in Sports, extracurricular activities, Academic Diversity & Gender Diversity 5%



We are pleased to share with you all that IIMP has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation for 4th time for a period of three years . We are grateful to you all for your trust shown in the brand IIMP .
The journey of “Empowering Minds to Elevate Lives” continues.

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